Pavlo and Naya, who raise funds for drones and telecommunication equipment.
Kolo Foundation. The fundraiser for Shark UAV is over but you can still donate to the foundation itself or even subscribe for monthly donations.
ClusterAPI Learning Center - learn more about Kubernetes ClusterAPI. View on Telegram.
Mistakes I’ve Made as an Engineering Manager - an article by Sarah Drasner on how to be a better Engineering Manager. View on Telegram.
Our Voice Chat with Oleks Maistrenko (ukr) - an old chat about Engineering Management. A bonus to the previous article. View on Telegram.
DevOps is Bullshit - an article about Platform Engineering with a clickbait title. As a bonus - a reaction video by Primeagen. View on Telegram.
Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 nodes - OpenAI writes about how they run big Kubernetes clusters. View on Telegram.
How to add, use, and update `.terraform.lock.hcl` without pain - an article by CatOps c-author - Maksym Vlasov about how to add a Terraform lock-file to hundreds of states. You can read this article here on Substack as well, BTW. View on Telegram.
Why you should run your platform team like a product team - an article in the HashiCorp blog about running Platform Teams as product teams. View on Telegram.
I’m almost done editing an episode of the CatOps Voice chat about job hopping. It will be available someday next week.
Wish you a good week!